A trip through the fantasy worlds I enjoy

*** Released 11/25/2013 ***


Fixed an issue the Heart of Morian trophy not giving the Constitution trait

Fixed rivers in the FE scenario from Parottmath

Fixed an issue where Daxus the Slaver won't have weapons on a specific branch of that quest

Fixed an issue keeping the Spikes of Krax from being able to be trained until you learned leatherworking

Fixed an issue where wildland bosses would leave their wildland area and attack cities (causing the area to not be able to be defeated as well as destroying early empires)

Hang (game not responding) fixes

Crash fixes

Performance improvements



Iron Golems can be designed with the Brutal Nature trait

Added the Endurance II trait to the Warrior skill tree

Added the Endurance III trait to the Defender and Warrior skill trees

Added the Endurance IV trait to the Defender skill tree

Adjusted some combat ratings to be more fitting

Reduced the production cost of the Butcher, Storehouse and Tax Office

Reduced the attack bonus on the Armory Outpost upgrade to 25%

A Champion can only use 1 Healing Nectar per battle

A Champion can only use 1 Healing Potion per battle

A Champion can only use 1 Iru Elixir per battle

Reduced the hit points on Syndicate Thugs

Wilding Shamans now summon a small party of Wilding Riders

Burning Hands can now be cast if there are allies in the area of effect (allies aren’t damaged)

Added a 5 turn cooldown to the Demonic Ally ability

Heart of Fire gives the city a 5% unrest penalty

Summon Lightbringer’s blinding effect now correctly effects Dodge

Players giving tribute are no longer treated as if they are under non-aggresion (ie: you can still declare war or kick them out of your lands, declaring war will cancel the tribute)

Caravans can’t be targeted by spells

Cost to rush decreased from 1.5 to 1.33

Techcost increase per tech reduced from 10% to 5%

Familiars will not get bonus levels if their summoner get bonus levels on his summons



Added a bunch of improved spell descriptions

Added miss sounds to Arching Shield Bash, Bleed, Break, Channel Lightning, Cleave, Crushing Blow, Deadly Bite, Decimate, Double Strike, Eviscerate, Guarded Strike, Hobble, Hurl Boulder, Impale, Shield Bash, Singing Forge, Spit Acid, Stun, Sweep and Throwing Knife

Cycling through units with 'U' now skips units that are guarding

Fixed stationed unit entry so the eject button is on top of the damage display fill, so it can be clicked when a unit is damaged

World maps loaded from the Setup World screen now display the name tagged in Elemental.str by the name in their filename, rather than using the filename name directly (for translations)


Unique monsters always get into the decision queue each turn (so they will try to wreck you)

Modified treaty values so that trading is more fair.

Peace treaties substantially cheaper for factions that are far away from each other.

Relations adjust more slowly than previous

New API: CalcRelationsFromRelationWeights is designed to let us, at a glance see what a given AI feels about another player.

Much more sophisticated relations evalauation (lots of stuff)

New DIplomacy relations evaluator implemented. Now modifiers also take into account the current relations and kick in only if that condition is met as well. (for example, if someone is far away from you, it won't just give you a +1 because they're far away. It'll only give you a +1 if their relations are starting to head towards warfare, the effect is that there's a lot more drifting to neutral rather than extremes)

A lot of new interactions with players to explain why they feel the way they do.

More interaction with the player about what the AI is doing about others.

Conquering a city now reduces the city population by 75% (was 50%)

New attitude modifiers:

We are not competing for territory: +1 (conditional if below neutral)

I don't really know you: -1 (conditional if above neutral)

What you are doing is really not my concern +1 (conditional if below neutral)

You are beyond my sphere of influence -2 (conditional if above neutral)

Same Allegience diplomatic bonus decreased by 1

Tribute treaty does does less bonus if relations are high, more bonus if relations are low

Jealous -1 (conditional: Must be proud, have a lower power rating, above neutral)

Why aren't you trading with me? -2 (conditional: Must be greedy)

AI is more likely to surrender.

Lowered the AI "Too early to surrender" threshold from 10 years of war (40 turns) to 3 years of war.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Nov 20, 2013

Good changes... I'll have to check around to see if they start rampaging the country side, I do see them running around their realms.

on Nov 20, 2013

Derek Paxton


I don't know if its a perfect solution.  But I ran a bunch of test games and they always left their wildland before the above were adopted and I never caught an incident of them wandering off with the above changes.

The opt-in beta has been updated to include this change.  Let me know how it works for you.

Maybe not the best place for a game recommendation, but it has everything to do with wildlands:

When a wildland it taken over, every single tile is turned into fertile land. However, many of those tiles are mediocre at best. The problem is that the AI takes this oppertunity to settle these locations if you are not ready to settle them yourself.

Is it possible to reduce the number of fertile locations revealed when a wildland is successfully taken over? Perhaps have it so that 3-5 decent 'clumps' of fertile land can be had in a given wildland...just not the whole thing.

It would be an attempt to reduce the AI's immediate interest in the newly available territory. It would also deter overcrowding of cities in the new area.

Thoughts? Comments?

on Nov 20, 2013


Quoting Derek Paxton, reply 105


I don't know if its a perfect solution.  But I ran a bunch of test games and they always left their wildland before the above were adopted and I never caught an incident of them wandering off with the above changes.

The opt-in beta has been updated to include this change.  Let me know how it works for you.

Maybe not the best place for a game recommendation, but it has everything to do with wildlands:

When a wildland it taken over, every single tile is turned into fertile land. However, many of those tiles are mediocre at best. The problem is that the AI takes this oppertunity to settle these locations if you are not ready to settle them yourself.

Is it possible to reduce the number of fertile locations revealed when a wildland is successfully taken over? Perhaps have it so that 3-5 decent 'clumps' of fertile land can be had in a given wildland...just not the whole thing.

It would be an attempt to reduce the AI's immediate interest in the newly available territory. It would also deter overcrowding of cities in the new area.

Thoughts? Comments?

I would at least prefer that the rivers stay rivers and the other tiles might take on the attributes of their sub-terrain. So, the arctic landscape may have fertile land, but some arctic terrain stays, would be nice to see.

on Nov 20, 2013


on Nov 20, 2013

Would like to see at least a single 5/5/5 per Wildland.  That would be cool!  And/or a special recruitable unit like the Deorcynesse Darklings.

on Nov 21, 2013

It would be an attempt to reduce the AI's immediate interest in the newly available territory. It would also deter overcrowding of cities in the new area.

NO! Instead I propose that AI pioneers should follow human player's armies if they just move to wildlands. AI should also block tight passages so that human player could not get through.

on Nov 21, 2013

Is it possible to reduce units speed on roads? Units move by 2 tiles per turn on grass, but when they enter roads it seems that they enter railroad train or fantastic escalator of some kind and move at incredible 4x speed. 

on Nov 21, 2013


Is it possible to reduce units speed on roads? Units move by 2 tiles per turn on grass, but when they enter roads it seems that they enter railroad train or fantastic escalator of some kind and move at incredible 4x speed. 

I think that the problem is that

  1. You're forgetting the abstraction of the army support apparatus.  While those soldiers themselves may be able to go rushing along at a decent clip, their supply trains are not so mobile.
  2. You're thinking that "plains" are equivalent to a nicely mowed lawn.  If you've ever seen native prairie, you'd realize that this is not reasonable and would expect nowhere near the travel rates of roads, especially considering point 1

If you're looking for game mechanisms, there's an outpost upgrade (Caltrops) although it comes really late in the tech tree...

on Nov 21, 2013


Would like to see at least a single 5/5/5 per Wildland.  That would be cool!  And/or a special recruitable unit like the Deorcynesse Darklings.
  I agree with this clearing a wildland should reveal a powerful city opportunity.   Reminds me of Moo2 how if you beat the Antarans you'd get a Gaia class planet that could sustain much greater amounts of population than normal planets could.

on Nov 21, 2013


Quoting GFireflyE,
reply 107

Quoting Derek Paxton, reply 105


I don't know if its a perfect solution.  But I ran a bunch of test games and they always left their wildland before the above were adopted and I never caught an incident of them wandering off with the above changes.

The opt-in beta has been updated to include this change.  Let me know how it works for you.

Maybe not the best place for a game recommendation, but it has everything to do with wildlands:

When a wildland it taken over, every single tile is turned into fertile land. However, many of those tiles are mediocre at best. The problem is that the AI takes this oppertunity to settle these locations if you are not ready to settle them yourself.

Is it possible to reduce the number of fertile locations revealed when a wildland is successfully taken over? Perhaps have it so that 3-5 decent 'clumps' of fertile land can be had in a given wildland...just not the whole thing.

It would be an attempt to reduce the AI's immediate interest in the newly available territory. It would also deter overcrowding of cities in the new area.

Thoughts? Comments?

I would at least prefer that the rivers stay rivers and the other tiles might take on the attributes of their sub-terrain. So, the arctic landscape may have fertile land, but some arctic terrain stays, would be nice to see.

Agreed. Rivers should definately stay as rivers.

Very interesting point as well about leaving 'remnants' of the wildland. I think that would bring about a very cool look and feel to the cities you build there. I like it.


I wouldn't go so far as to want a 5/5/5 location but a 4/3/3 shouldn't be a far cry unexpected...


on Nov 23, 2013



I don't think the fix for bosses staying in wildlands works... I just started a new game this morning (I'm in the beta opt in) and I saw Vetrar casually out for a stroll near one of my cities, which he then promptly turned into an icicle and crushed a few turns later. I saved right when I saw him and I can send you the game if that would help. I'm not using any mods, just a custom faction that I made with the toolset, if that makes any difference.


Also, just to say, I've really been enjoying patch 1.5. I only started playing LH on patch 1.4, but I opted into 1.5 almost as soon as it came out and even between these minor versions, I can tell there's a big difference. Much better diplomacy, no more crashing, and performance is significantly improved on my system, though I wouldn't mind if you guys continued to optimize to make performance even better! 


Anyway, thanks for the hard work. It's definitely noticeable, even to someone like me who just started playing.




on Nov 23, 2013

First of all, thanks for your hard work. The patch fixes/features look good.


However, I have been plagued by crashes to desktop (at random times when I press end turn) as long as I can remember (my video card drivers are always up-to-date). I just started a 1.5 game with the opt-in beta and I crashed to desktop on turn 5 when I pressed end turn. My question is this:


When the game crashes to desktop it looks like the game uploads something to Steam which I hope is a debug crash log. Do you actually get automatic crash logs this way and does this help with crashes? Do you analyze these? What can we do to help with these crashes?





on Nov 23, 2013


on Nov 23, 2013




I don't think the fix for bosses staying in wildlands works... I just started a new game this morning (I'm in the beta opt in) and I saw Vetrar casually out for a stroll near one of my cities, which he then promptly turned into an icicle and crushed a few turns later. I saved right when I saw him and I can send you the game if that would help. I'm not using any mods, just a custom faction that I made with the toolset, if that makes any difference.


Also, just to say, I've really been enjoying patch 1.5. I only started playing LH on patch 1.4, but I opted into 1.5 almost as soon as it came out and even between these minor versions, I can tell there's a big difference. Much better diplomacy, no more crashing, and performance is significantly improved on my system, though I wouldn't mind if you guys continued to optimize to make performance even better! 


Anyway, thanks for the hard work. It's definitely noticeable, even to someone like me who just started playing.





Post your savegame?

on Nov 25, 2013

is the bosses staying in their wildlands thing fixed or not then?

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