A trip through the fantasy worlds I enjoy

*** Released 10/24/2013 ***


Added the Fallen Enchantress scenario.

Added the Slam ability (monsters with this ability get a 25% to cause victims they attack to lose their next turn).

Tech updates now merge if the internal name matches (for modders).

Added the Summon Darkling spell

Added the Summon Spider spell

Added the Summon Harridan spell

Added the Summon Wilding spell

Added the Summon Shrill spell

Added the Summon Plaguestalker spell



Fixed an issue that revealed the entire map for human players when the AI cast Ineluctable Vision.

Fixed bug where if main map objects were asked to be selected while the tactical window was up (could cause some odd behavior when exiting tactical battles).

Cities now make sure their hubs match the city's selected state, so that we don't have issues where a city appears to be selected but is not actually selected, and vice versa (usually manifested as difficulty selecting/deselecting a given city hub).

Fixed a bug where sometimes conquering an AI city wouldn't allow you to do certain production projects until you reloaded the game, due to the projects not always getting cancelled correctly.

Fixed some artifacting issues on forests (unfortunately this isn't as exciting as having magical artifacts in forests, the graphics guy tell me that artifacts are a bad thing).

Fixed an issue where Champion Shimsher could get Sweep twice.

Fixed lots of issues with placing rivers in the editor.

Fixed the Gust of Wind ability (not the spell), where it wouldnt knock units back if they resisted.

Fixed annoying issue where the hour glass cursor would show when looking at the tech tree.

Fixed common-ish crash bug due to multiple cities looking at the buildable improvements list at the same time.

Fixed a deadlock issue with regards to cities looking at resources (would appear to player as a lockup).

Fixed an issue where you could have a trait selected in the trait tree from a former champions selection.

Improved performance, especially on late game large maps.

Crash fixes.



Reduced the Fire Shill's Embers damage slightly.

Tectonic Bulwark can now only be be gotten from defeating Torax.

Crag Spawn hit points and defense from level increased, init was lowered slightly.

Earth Elemental hit points and defense from level increased, init was lowered slightly.

Earth Elementals, Grave Elementals, Ancient Grave Elementals, and Stone Golems gain the Slam ability.

Champion Vasim's given a masterwork chain breatpiece (was incorrectly set before).

Champion Rostyra gains Lethal 2 (had Lethal 1 set twice before).

Champion Ulrik gains the Noble trait.

The Gray March (Trog Spearmen) don't start with Chain Mail Proficiency anymore.

Increased the time it takes to for darkling huts to upgrade

Darkling Shamans can summon Darkling Warriors into battle

Haunters can summon Plaguestalkers into battle

Hoarder Spiders can summon Gatherer Spiders into battle

Giant Ravenous Harridan can summon Ravenous Harridans into battle

Shrill Lords can summon groups of Shrills into battle

Spider Queens can summon Gatherer Spiders and Ravenous Harridans into battle

Wilding Shamans can summon Wilding Riders into battle

Increased the damage on Maces, Battle Axes, Boar Spears, Short Swords, Mauls, Pikes, Longswords and Great Axes (along with magical variants)

Reduced the Init penalty on Mauls form -6 to -4.

You can now cast Burning Hands even if you have freindly units in the radius (they won't be effected).

Light Plate Armor now only requires Chain Mail Armor proficiency to wear.



AI won't cast wither on armies without an attack (caravans) anymore.

Monsters are generally more aggressive in neutral and player territory

AI players more aggressive about going after monsters near their cities

AI much better about using magic in tactical battles

AI much better about using summons in tactical battles


Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 25, 2013


slam causes victim to lose turn.  bash is the attacker losing a turn.

yer thinking of crushing blow dude.

on Sep 25, 2013


yer thinking of crushing blow dude.


Haha... you're right, been a little while since I've played.


We just need a thwak and a kapow and we've got ourselves a batman comic.

on Sep 25, 2013


We already have a "Slam" ability ... it's called "Bash".  Shouldn't "Slam" do something different like divide army stack into separate single-unit armies or throws army into another adjacent army causing first army's attack damage into second army?!?

I read it like Bash is an active ability (the mob/user uses it and activates a cooldown).  Slam is a passive effect.  25% chance on every hit to (essentially) Bash an opponent.  

on Sep 25, 2013

Two balance items:

The Summoned Wisp:

I think the wisp is quite powerful. Imo, the flavor and feel of a wisp should be frail, mystical, elusive... and well, a bit of a trickster. Currently, the existing wisp is pretty tanky and can even dish out quite the punishment in the form of attack damage. With the healing spell it also has, this creature seems to be too much for it's current location in the trait tree. I recommend the following: 

  • Reducing the wisp's hp a little. Currently starts at 12 hp and increases 2 hp/lvl. Recommend 10 hp + 1 hp/lvl
  • Also recommend changing the onhit effect the Chaos spell instead of dealing damage. It is a creature of magic...a random effect would be very flavorful. 
  • Lastly, on the main map...you can see a black silhouette of a man flying around. Not sure if that can be fixed so that you only see the 'wisp' part...

The Summoned Lightbringer:

This summon seems fairly tough for the AI and monsters to deal with at the early stage at which you are able to summon him. Recommend the following:

  • Reduce the Lightbringers defense from 16 to 10. (Consider that the Ice Elemental can be summoned about the same time, and it has a defense of 0)


Another option to help deal with the early power level of the Wisp and Lightbringer is to move them down the trait tree just a little. Perhaps make a the Ice Elemental Summoning trait the prerequisite instead? 


on Sep 25, 2013

I can't tell who's joking in this thread about Vatula's Dragonslayer. The spell does one thing, it says "No Effect!" above a dragon's head.

on Sep 25, 2013

Sooo... for those that really want to know, I didn't want to say anything to spoil the game so here it is...

Vatula's Dragonslayer spell is a useless spell, it costs you mana and does nothing to the dragon. But you get to keep this spell book in your spell throughout the rest of the game. Not many people like to see a useless spell in their spellbook and thus it would be better served if the dragon spell is a mana drain scroll with no effect on the dragon. Thus, you get the same cost, but you don't have to keep the spell throughout the rest of the game. Just something nice for the players. I hope that clears up my intention of not revealing the spell to the general public, and still keep the mystery for those that haven't tried the spell out.


on Sep 25, 2013

Ah, I didn't even think about it being a spoiler. Added tags. That said I feel the spell is like a souvenir and I kind of like that I get to keep it. The spellbook is already pretty cluttered and cramped so I don't think that one spell makes a difference.

on Sep 26, 2013

Re: Balance, is anything going to be done to make the Fire branch of Summoning worth taking? Especially if Earth elementals etc. are being buffed. The big one would be to make Summon the Pyre of Man less ridiculously expensive in terms of mana cost. And last more than two microseconds.

Re: AI, I had the AI use its fire staffs on my Burning Wraith last night. I believe this was fixed for spells, is it possible to fix it for staff troops not to attack units which are immune?

It would be nice if the AI was not allowed to cast strategic spells on units which it has already cast them on. This would be a: fair (because the player can't) and b: more fun. Sitting twiddling your thumbs because your attacking stack is permanently immobilized is not fun. You should have at least one turn to do something, which seems to be true for the AI but not for the player.

Thanks for the continuous improvement, it is impressive how the game keeps evolving.

on Sep 26, 2013

Thanks for the notes and the continuous improvements.  Think there needs to be a bit more AI work added to this patch before I'll be dragged back into playing this though.

on Sep 26, 2013

Remove my ability to see what enemy cities are building....PLEASE!

on Sep 26, 2013

Still no fix for the color of the highlighted squares on the tactical map I see.

Never-mind, I guess it's never going to happen, just one of those things that never get's fixed.

on Sep 26, 2013


Quoting Trojasmic, reply 25

We already have a "Slam" ability ... it's called "Bash".  Shouldn't "Slam" do something different like divide army stack into separate single-unit armies or throws army into another adjacent army causing first army's attack damage into second army?!?

I read it like Bash is an active ability (the mob/user uses it and activates a cooldown).  Slam is a passive effect.  25% chance on every hit to (essentially) Bash an opponent.  

You also are confusing Bash with Crushing Blow.  Bash is a passive effect given to blunt weapons.  So here's the difference:  Bash knocks the victim prone (lose 1 turn) based on percentage equal to damage done.  Slam makes victim lose 1 turn at a constant 25%.  So basically bash is for blunt weapons and slam is for blunt arms/hands of elementals.  They have the same effect, but trigger at slightly different rates. 

on Sep 26, 2013

I won't hold my breath, but I would like the following fixed in this release: 

  • erroneous movement point counts
  • pathing algorithm takes you around an opponent's territory.  it should go through an opponent's territory if that is the shortest path.
  • AI can end up on the same tile during tactical battles


on Sep 26, 2013


 AI can end up on the same tile during tactical battles

yeah that is really strange.  I've seen this mostly (only?) with archers

on Sep 26, 2013

I've seen that error where AI can do this as well.

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